This entry included links to metadata for whole genomes sequences of different microbial pathogens, including: Pathogenic protozoan microorganism (amoeba): Acanthamoeba polyphaga strain Linc Ap-1 This entry includes data for 1) chromosome and 2) mitochondrion of this microorganism; it contains links to both Whole Genome Sequence (WGS) and Sequence Reads Archive (SRA) metadata WGS of pathogenic bacteria: Gardnerella vaginalis 14018 Gardnerella vaginalis 14018c Neisseria meningitidis L91543 Campylobacter: hybrid C. jejuni strain 81-176 G1_B7 hybrid C. jejuni strain 81-176 G1_B0 araE derivative of C. jejuni 11168H lacY derivative of C. jejuni 11168H