The study involved participants observing images of people's faces, on a mobile or tablet device, and providing a response of the correlating expression by touching the screen to select the relevant option. The experiment was conducted in two stages: - Base Line Expression Recognition Test - consisting of 16x facial images, these images were the same for each participant. It took approximately 3 to 5 minutes to complete the test. - Main Expression Recognition Test – consisting of 32x2 facial images, these were different for each participant. It took approximately 5 to 10 minutes to complete the test. The base line test consisted of 16 images, selected from the 4000 images available, based on their clear indications of expression type. Each image was also correctly categorised by the classifier. During the main expression recognition test, each participant received both the original and enhanced images for 32x images. This research was carried out in accordance with GDPR, and received approval from the Kingston University Research Ethics Committee.