Items where Year is 2022

Galli, Giulia (2022) From self-reports to the brain: evaluation of political preferences using explicit and implicit measurements. [Data Collection]
Gray, Richard (2022) Flow in sports. [Data Collection]
Karlyshev, Andrey (2022) Complete genome sequencing of Campylobacter jejuni strain X. [Data Collection]
Karlyshev, Andrey (2022) Whole genome sequence of Campylobacter jejuni strain 18aM. [Data Collection]
Karlyshev, Andrey (2022) Whole genome sequences of environmental bacteria isolated from deep waters in Pacific ocean. [Data Collection]
Karlyshev, Andrey (2022) Whole genomes sequences of environmental bacteria isolated from Atacama desert in Chile. [Data Collection]
Micallef, Ricarda (2022) COVID champions in pharmacy to increase vaccination uptake. [Data Collection]
Pavey, Louisa [Creator] (2022) Perceived legitimacy can moderate the effect of proscriptive versus prescriptive injunctions on intentions to comply with UK government COVID-19 guidelines and reactance: Study 2. [Data Collection]
Pavey, Louisa [Creator] (2022) Perceived legitimacy can moderate the effect of proscriptive versus prescriptive injunctions on intentions to comply with UK government COVID‐19 guidelines and reactance: Study 1. [Data Collection]
Vandrevala, Tushna [Research team member], Montague, Amy [Research team member], Terry, Philip [Research team member] and Fielder, Mark [Research team member] (2022) Willingness of the UK public to volunteer for testing in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic. [Data Collection]